I received a call last week from a family that scheduled an upcoming photography session with Eric Schmidt Photography. The mom was wondering where I thought the best location to do their session was. I suggested a few prime spots, but the more I thought about it, when I do family photography, the most important thing to me is observing the interaction of the family – watching for that certain sparkle in a child’s eye when they look at their parents, or when you see a parent glow with pride when they see their child from afar. It reminded me of when I did the Klunk’s photo session, I could immediately see some of that magic happening. And although mom was concerned about the fact that they had just moved in and some of the remodeling she had planned hadn’t been finished yet, I reassured her that the imagery would just happen when we let the kids get comfortable around me and just be themselves…
- #feelwhathappens
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I’ve always found it very helpful to meet in person or over Skype to cover all of your questions. Once you get to know me, you'll probably find out that I am not a fan of coffee, but I'm always up to meet at a coffee joint so we can get to know each other.Phone